These handbags are sleek and have a definite refinement to them. They look just as their name implies. The Legacy shoulder bags fit over the shoulder and rest comfortably under the arm. With the signature multi-function pockets and accessory clip you are sure to find that everything has a place in this bag. The pouch bags work just the same. These bags can be used as a beauty case or a great bag for travel. The versatile style also makes a great small handbag. The unique side pockets are perfect for your lipstick, keys or change.The stripe on these new Coach bags is beautiful on its own. If you'd rather not show off your monogram, you can skip the initials and still enjoy the stripe design. Or, you can get it monogrammed and reverse it when you're ready for a newer look.Many signature style Coach handbags are included in this collection. Starting with the cute styling of the Demi, small and sharp: The Demi purse has an exaggerated stripe over the classic Coach design. The straps are removable so that you can use it as a clutch purse or wristlet.The bottom line is that just because a Coach bag is without a leather creed, does not mean it's a knockoff. Most companies manufacturing fake bags would put one in anyways. It might not be the correct style numbers. It might not be leather. It might have words spelled incorrectly. Still, it will likely be there with a fake bag. So don't get too excited by a "no patch" bag. Instead, learn the style number of your bag and if it has a patch, see that it matches the numbers on the creed.
bags021 le jeudi 14 juillet 2011
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